Discover Herbs with Kitchen Gardens!

Kitchen Gardens invite you to join us in our knowledge and love of fresh herbs. The experience of growing your favorite herbs along with incorporating them into your favorite recipes is the beginning of a lifestyle change for you and your family!

Through history, food and its preparation has been an integral part of all cultures. In our modern society it can be a special time to spend with our children. It can be as simple as decorating pizza with favorite toppings. Chopping herbs and veggies for a stir fry dinner or a fresh salad. It is the way we lead our children to healthier choices. Home entertaining is a way to bring friends and family together to share the best part of life’s journey. Good food, conversation and laughs are the components of a rich life. There is nothing like sitting down to a wonderful meal prepared with love and joy!

Let your children smell and taste the basil and oregano leaves that go on their favorite pizza. Let Grandma and Grandpa share their favorite homemade deviled eggs with grandkids helping and sampling parsley, sage, dill etc. Whether cooking for one or ten the satisfaction of preparing something fresh and homemade is important for our health and our wellbeing. The market place today allows us wonderful fresh herbs, produce, and meats whether you shop at your local grocery store, farmers market or garden center.

Create fresh and delicious meals for yourself and those you love!

Go ahead – get cooking with herbs!

What is the difference between annuals, perennials and biennials?


Germinate, flower, seed and die in one growing season, regardless of their geographical location.


Live for at least three seasons and while this category includes many herbs it also includes plants such as shrubs and trees.


Live for two growing seasons: they germinate and form leaves in the first year and then flower, seed and die in the second season.

Go ahead – get cooking with herbs!

What is the difference between annuals, perennials and biennials?


Germinate, flower, seed and die in one growing season, regardless of their geographical location.


Live for at least three seasons and while this category includes many herbs it also includes plants such as shrubs and trees.


Live for two growing seasons: they germinate and form leaves in the first year and then flower, seed and die in the second season.

Herbs in Containers!

Growing herbs in containers is one of the easiest methods for growing your kitchen garden. Especially in Florida and the southern United States with hot, humid, rainy weather that stretches from June through September, container growing allows you to control the environment of your herbs. Florida winters present few problems to herbs, with the exception of the basils which need to be brought indoors when there is a threat of frost.

Groups of herbs can be assembled into on large container. Also, small individual pots can be placed in groups to enhance a patio, flank a flight of stairs, decorate a kitchen window or accent an entrance way. Always choose pots with drain holes. Watering should be checked daily, taking into consideration the weather. Small pots need more water than larger ones.

Some varieties are ideally suited for hanging baskets. Thyme, mints, oregano, curly parsley, tansy, burnet and marjoram are especially good for this purpose. We recommend planting these with a mixture of 60% peat, 25% perlite and 15% vermiculite. For fertilizing, we recommend a time-released fertilizer.

Caring for your herbs, especially in the south, can be a challenge.